Court Clerk:
Dani Spalding
Judge: Luwana John
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 231, Medicine Park, OK 73557
Hours: Monday – Friday 9am-4pm
Medicine Park Court
Fine Schedule
Click to view current Fine Schedule
Online Payment
Click here to pay citations online
Phone Payments:
Municipal Court
The Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the town government. The function of this court is to adjudicate all traffic, non-traffic and parking violations of town ordinances.
The court is presided over by the Honorable Judge Luwanna John.
An individual has the right to enter a plea of not guilty, nolo contendere, or guilty. A plea of not guilty means an individual does not believe they committed the violation in which they are accused. To enter a plea of not guilty, you must appear before the Judge on the date listed on your citation. You will then be required to post a bond and a new trial court date and time will be set. A plea of nolo contendere means not contesting the violation and results in a finding of guilt. This plea is often referred to as a no contest plea. A plea of guilty means admitting guilt and paying the established fine, fees and court costs. Both nolo contendere pleas and guilty pleas will require you to pay your fine at that time.
Failure to Appear/Fail to Satisfy and Court Order
If you fail to appear or to otherwise fail to satisfy any court order, one and all of the following items may apply:
Your Oklahoma driver license could be suspended. If you are an out-of-state visitor, your license from your home state can be suspended as well.
The offense could be entered as a conviction on your record.
A warrant could be issued for your arrest.
A charge for failure to appear could be filed against you.
Court Date/Time
Court is held the in Town Hall, located at 154 East Lake Drive on the date list on each citation.
All parties will treat each other in a professional and respectful manner. Yelling, excessively loud talking, profanity, or profane gestures will not be tolerated. Persons making appearance before the Court shall be dressed appropriately. Distracting clothing is prohibited in the Courtroom. Only the defendant and his/her attorney is allowed in Town Hall during court. Cell phones or electronic device usage is not allowed during a court session except for purpose of displaying or providing evidence. Any other use is not allowed; All electronic devices are to be turned completely off or set to silent when in the court room.
Fines for citations are set by the Municipal Judge. Payments can be made by mail, in person at Town Hall, or by phone. Payments are accepted by cash, check, money order, or credit/debit card. You will need to bring or mail your copy of the citation with your plea and signature. Please note that payments by credit/debit card will incur an additional processing fee. If payment is made by personal check, please be aware that a returned payment will result in the original citation being unpaid, will incur additional fees, and may result in additional citations being issued.
If you receive a citation for “No Insurance,” “No Driver’s License in Possession,” “Defective Equipment,” please contact the Court Clerk to inquire about information you need to have these citations dismissed with court costs.