Medicine Park Public Works Authority
You can now make payments online for your water/sewer/trash bill:
Phone payments- 580-529-2825. Tell the agent that you are making a payment for utility.
ACH is now available-please come to Town Hall to fill out application.
Regular Session Meetings
Public Works Authority
In accordance to Resolution No. 20210603 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF MEDICINE PARK, OKLAHOMA ADOPTING A NEW MEETING DATE FOR THE REGULAR SESSIONS OF PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY BOARD IN THE TOWN MEDICINE PARK. The Public Works Authority meets the third Thursday of the month, immediately following the Board of Trustee’s Regular Session. For agenda and minutes, visit the Town Hall page.

Phone: 580-529-2825
154 East Lake Drive, Medicine Park, OK 73557
Hours: Monday – Friday 9am-4pm
Water bills can also be dropped in the drop-off box located in front of the Town Hall.
Click here for PWA Guidelines.
Town Officials
PWA Liason:
Chad Everett
PWA Supervisor:
Rodney Whaley
PWA Workers:
Justin Washington
Craig Bathe
PWA Clerk:
Dani Spalding
John Branch
Dwight Cope
Assistant Mayor/
Charles Everett
PWA Department Liaison
Stephanie New
HR Liaison
Rich Amadon
Municipal Judge:
Luwanna John
Town Clerk:
KaLee McMahan
Treasurer/Court Clerk
Public Works Information
Accounts’ Costs:
Types of accounts & deposit amount are:
Water / Sewer / Trash $175.00 (Deposit $150.00 / service fee $25.00)
Water / Trash ONLY (Woodlands on Septic) $175.00 (Deposit $150.00 /service fee $25.00)
Sewer / Trash (Rural Water) $100.00 (Deposit $75.00 / service fee $25.00)
Commercial Accounts $175.00 (Deposit $150.00 / service fee $25.00)
Yard Water $175.00 (Deposit $150.00 / service fee $25.00)
Trash Service (via MCSA)
Trash for Town of Medicine Park pick up service starts at 7:00am Monday.
Trash for Big Rock pick up service starts at 7:00 am Thursday.
Dumpsters with two times weekly pick up are emptied Monday and Thursday.
Holidays Observed by MCSA are:
Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year! Holidays that fall on Monday will be picked up on Tuesday. Thanksgiving Day (Big Rock/Dumpsters) will be picked up the prior Wednesday and all other holidays will be announced by postings at the Post Office Bulletin Board and Town Hall as soon as alternate dates are available from MCSA.
Inclement Weather day will not have an alternate pick up date until the next weekly pick up.
Additional services offered through MCSA are the option to haul tree limbs and scrap metal to the Transfer Station located 2 miles east of Fletcher at 15256 NE North Drive, Fletcher OK. Business hours are Monday – Friday, 7 am – 4:30 pm and 8 am – 12 pm, the 1st Saturday of each month. Point of Contact is Mary Hulsey @ 580-549-6717.
Do’s and Don’ts of Residential Sewer
When you pour oil or grease down sinks, tubs, toilet or storm drains, they end up in Oklahoma’s lakes, ponds, rivers and streams, most importantly in our sewer lagoon.
Put spent household cooking oil or grease in covered jar or can with lid and dispose of in the trash.
Don’t Trash Your Sewers!!
Put all solid and liquid food, including dairy products, milk shake syrups, batters and gravy into trash or recycling bin.
Scrape food from plates and utensils into trash or recycling bin before washing or placing in dishwasher.
Always use sink basket strainers to collect food waste.
Collect and empty grill scrapings & fryer vat grease in grease recycling container.
Never put food or liquid food down the sink.
Never pour grease or food drippings down the sink.
Never use sink when cleaning grease.
Never pour anything down your outside storm sewer.
Never flush diapers, sanitary pads, tampons, paper towels, sanitary wipes, baby wipes, hand-wipes or clothing into the sewer system.
Improper waste management costs money-your money! You pay in higher consumer prices, taxes for environmental cleanups when wastes are improperly managed.